why i write.

unsure how to word my reasons for sharing my thoughts with the world,  i came across a statement by  sarah markley that captured my why.

“it will matter, i believe, how we let him infuse our days with himself and how we allow ourselves to be taught by the little, beautiful things in life. and i think it will matter, at the end, how we choose to live with jesus every day.”

for most of my life, i’ve experienced god everywhere. 

from the feeling of solidarity and belonging that comes when i close my eyes and sing to him in a crowd, to the invaluable small and trivial details surrounding me that seems to flash neon signs pointing my heart to:

his character,

his opinion of me,

how he moves in my life revealing a love and caring for the details that i am still amazed by.

and i feel compelled to share. to say look!

look at this god who loves me even when i beat my fists against him in hurt and anger…

look at this god who reminds me of my purpose and value when i am deflated and doubtful…

look at this god who takes my brokenness and in perfect timing and unexpected ways, heals me…

look!  he’s your god too!

that’s what i feel compelled to say.  that’s why i push past the what will they think of me, did i use the right words, am i foolish to think this will matter to anyone thoughts and i write what god pushpins on my heart.

i would love for you to stop by often.   i am hoping you will have that moment when god shines a light on himself and how he loves you and sees you—even what he’s doing in you…through somebody’s words.

xo.  kris

8 thoughts on “why i write.

  1. That’s a tender way of putting it. I know God is working on it in me. Is it pride? Shame? Fear of rejection? I don’t know. All three maybe. I am blessed because of this, He calls me his own, and I need to keep my eyes on that and on what He wants! Thanks again for such precious encouragement!

  2. oh elizabeth, thank you for saying so! imagine you are writing to your own heart in someone else and know that even just one person who hears an echo of their own self and life when you write will be blessed. do not give up. xoxo

  3. Beautiful post. So sincere. The desire to share God’s goodness! Thank you. These words of yours… ” that’s what i feel compelled to say. that’s why i push past the what will they think of me, did i use the right words, am i foolish to think this will matter to anyone thoughts and i write what god pushpins on my heart.” … I can so resonate with what you wrote, but I cannot entirely push past the concerns of what they will think, yet. But I want to. Bless your heart for being so vulnerable.

  4. love the picture of the writing at the bottom, that is really sweet

  5. “WHY I WRITE”, yes; to remind us of what an an amazing God we have. Thank you Kris for writing!

  6. loved this post. huge hug…..thanks so much :) you put the second smile on my face this morning.

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